

Simon Hawthorn

Simon - a wonkily autistic type with that fun mix of ADHD, dyslexia and a thirst for knowledge, gin and good mountains to walk. Simon started the podcast partly because he wanted to hear more from neurodivergent people, LGBTQ+ people and those who have been marginalised or put into boxes for too long because they don't conform. 

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Dr Alex, philsophising accountant and world expert on meta-ethics (no, me neither), Alexander is our film critic extraordinaire and regular wine drinking buddy to Simon

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Autistic and ADHD holder of a Master's in psychology and our local expert of the London stripping scene and sex work - they are currently getting funding to better understand neurodiversity within the sex work community. 

Dahlia also shares Joey's obsession with the knitting patterns of (friend of the show) Tom D the diver. 

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Autism by day and autism by night, Georgia is the policy manager for a campaign charity. 

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Joey is a fitness instructor, owner of a dyslexic brain and his parents like to text Simon about their latest Spanish holiday. Never give Joey an idea, because Kim will Google it and then... Well, bonus material happens.

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Dr Kim, keeper of the sacred knowledge of genetics and a recent ADHD diagnosis, joins the crew to help us examine the latest news and Google some very odd things! 

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A graphic designer and all round good egg, our pet Public Schoolboy helps bring a dose of calm to proceedings and keep us on track. Or gets sucked into one of Kim's stranger dreamscape discussions. 

Lakes, lakes, lakes

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A graphic designer by day, disabilities campaigner... Also by day. Marianne joins the podcast bringing experience of day to day support for staff in my company and a desire to help people understand that atypical is not weird. 

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The Mysterious Voice

We don't know who he is, we don't know where to find him, but when we need him, he appears. The Mysterious Voice revels in gently winding up Simon and bringing actually quite intelligent comments to the discussion. 
One day we may unmask this hidden contributor. Until then...

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Joining us from an undisclosed location, Watt (what?) is an autistic and ADHD quality manager by day and one of Simon's closest friends... Well also by day. But by night, well, that's when they 

*Sound of chair falling over, door slamming and car driving off*